Drywall Ceilings

Drywall panels are in use today because of they are quick and convenient to install, relatively cheaper than the other options, fire resistant and adaptable. They are also conducive to a variety of finishing treatments like paint, wallpaper, texture. Thus it’s a good idea to Drywall Ceilings and walls.

The start point is to collect the correct tools and materials according to measurements and sizes. Especially to Drywall Ceilings the right gypsum panels should be bought. Then the framework of the ceiling and walls should be completed. First the drywall should be installed on the ceiling and then on the walls as the ceiling panels will be supported by the wall panels.

After gathering the panels for the ceiling which are about 5/8 inches thick, the nails, pasting or joint compound and tape rolls you should be ready to install the drywall. Make markings on the joints on the top parts of the wall so that they are convenient to locate later. The next step is to mark stud points. Now you are ready to put up the panels and Drywall Ceilings

To Drywall Ceilings you would need a helper as someone will have to hold the drywall panels in place while the other nails them in place. You should make sure that there are a minimum number of joints. While installation one should always start from the centre and move outwards. Then nail the panels at intervals of six inches at the seams. Always make sure your panel measurements are correct. Also you need to wear eye protection gear while nailing as fragments could get into your eyes.

Make sure to nail well. You can also make use of drywall adhesive to achieve strong binding. This is done with a caulking gun. Apply the glue evenly and then put the drywall sheet after which nail at the joints and at regular intervals of four to six inches. Now that you have completed the Drywall Ceilings, taping is the next step.

The panels have to be taped by an experienced taper as this is a very important step. You need to make sure that the walls are installed before taping. Once this is done your drywall is ready for painting. There are other options like wallpapering as well as drywall texture. Once you Drywall Ceilings of your house, the up-keep will be easy and cleaning and repairing will not be tedious.