Drywall Jack

The drywall installation story just keeps on getting all the more intriguing and interesting from here on. By now, you have already studied how the lifts, screws, hoists and other such tools help you in installing the drywall. The latest addition to the whole set is – Drywall jack. Much like its compatriots, drywall jack does something too, which no other tool in the drywall installation does.

While the screws do the important task of fastening the drywall and the hoists help in moving the drywall to the right place, a drywall jack works in putting the sheetrock in place. In home improvement and drywall installation terminology, it is known as hanging a sheetrock. Please note here – This can be a demanding and a back-breaking task for most of you, so be sure you have read the right information before you get going to do this.

Yes, it is a backbreaking task indeed but a lot of home improvement tools companies have come up with innovative tools that make this rather tough task look incredibly simple. Hanging a sheetrock is considered to be a two-resource activity at best, but with these tools around, you will surely find a way to get the sheetrock up in place all by yourselves.

If you wish to stay away from the pains of having a sore back and a sore neck, then don’t worry about doing this all by yourselves. Allow the drywall contractors to work the sheetrock up where they ought to be. All you then have to do is sit back and enjoy the fun!!

Yet, if you still wish to get brave, then here’s how you use the drywall jack to hang the sheetrock. Once you use the drywall jack to rest the drywall sheet, which it allows due to the huge resting panel, mark the ceiling points on the drywall sheet. After you do this, you should be measuring and cutting light fixture areas from the drywall. After these preliminary steps are done, you can move on to place the drywall sheet in a position such that the end of the drywall appears to be at the center of the joist.

Some nailing will help you fasten the drywall, and that really is it. You would have, by now, used the drywall jack to hang the sheetrock. Sounds simple, but as said before, it could break your backs. If you wish to undertake the stress, and know how to go about it, then we have told you how to mount the sheetrock with a drywall jack.